2017 In Review
2016 I made my first year in review video. During Christmas I sat down and looked through my footage of 2017 & honestly found it boring. I spent most of the year out and about and disconnected from technology. There are several nice clips but I don’t feel a video could summarise how nice a year I had.
So below you will find some photographs that where taken throughout the year.
I spent most of my year focusing on Workshops; private tutoring & working with charity events.
I attended London Fashion Showcase.
Filmed The National Autistic Society’s Flash Mob! & photographed their Autism Uncut Awards Ceremony at BAFTA
Photographed and filmed Haven House’s comedy night Hosted by Russel Kane and Adam Hill headlining.
Opened an online store (you can buy prints, travel mugs etc)
Wrote a few blog posts during New Zealand Music Month about my time in the music scene there and what some kiwi artists I worked with are up to. Click here, here, here & here to read them!
Was invited back by Haven House to photograph Mark Carney, Governor of the Bank of England’s tree planting ceremony.
Traveled to Ireland.
Photographed A fun private luxury shopping experience held at The Hospital Club in Covent Garden raising donations for Maggie’s Centres.
Photographed a number of private events and functions.
The list is short and sweet; the year was full on and busy.