The Chronicles of a Pixel Pixie
NAS 2016 PopUp Shop
The National Autism Society for World Autism Awareness Week made a cute pop up shop in Covent Garden.
I documented their amazing work. Its hard to believe that they put it all together in only a few hours! Check out the video below!
Music provided by the fantastic Jack Dawson.…
NAS 2016 Campaign
Iv teamed up with The National Autism Society for World Autism Awareness Week!
Kicking it off I documented Henry Barnes making this years banner outside the NAS office on Friday last week. Check out the video below!
Music provided by the fantastic Joe & Will ask. You can purchase their…
Melbourne seems to be a favourite amongst many of my friends who moved from New Zealand and also those that are artists.
Attracting street performers, painters, and peculiar sculptures, Melbourne has many things to stumble upon.
Big thanks to Joe And Will Ask for letting me use their track Bleeps.…
Unfortunately the rain seemed to of followed me from Gold Coast. Arriving on a delayed flight. It was however nice to return to a big city. The rush of people gave me a burst of energy. Sydney has some interesting quirks to it
Big thanks to Jack Dawson for letting…
Gold Coast
Though it was mostly stormy weather while I was in the Gold Coast, it didn’t stop me having a fantastic experience, it actually enhanced it!
Big thanks to Joe And Will Ask for letting me use their track Mongozo. You can purchase it from iTunes!
Im using some new gear…
First thoughts, wow its hot, my bags are really heavy. This place is so disable friendly!
A photo says a 1000 words. So overload your sensories with the video below!
Big thanks to Joe And Will Ask for letting me use their track Rainbow Trout. You can purchase it from…
Im currently sitting in Auckland Airport. All my belongings are packed and shipped. Other then my physical self sitting here, typing in this entry. Nothing of me is left in New Zealand.
Leading up to my departure the main reoccurring question has been “are you excited/ready/nerves to be leaving” my…
Pending …
Once I zip up my suitcase, hit the pavement passport in hand ill start blogging details of my trip! You will find some of it here on this website. For a more up to date live feed of things, head over to Instagram & Facebook.